Institute For Advanced Studies

The notion of transition is now widespread, and covers all human priorities related to sustainable development, circular economy, climate change, waste treatment, urbanization, and the rational use of technology and industry. However, we generally talk about THE transition, with exclusive reference to technological action on the physical ecosystem. The objective of the IAS is to contribute to thinking about transitions in the plural, taking into account the human ecosystem. It is a question of thinking about innovation in all its forms, mathematical, physical, chemical, social, technical (etc.) in interaction with human identities (lifestyles, beliefs, ethics, customs, relationship to globalization). The IAS, located in the heart of Morocco, is first and foremost a part of the realities of the African continent, and at the interface of the Mediterranean, European and American worlds. It does not consider Africa as the problem but as the solution for a sustainable humanity.

The six IAS programs that are eligible for residential projects are:
- Soils, Atmospheres, Climates and Human Realities in transitions
- Medicines and Human Realities in transitions
- Materials, energies and human realities in transitions
- Economies, management, finances and human realities in transitions
- Computer science, digital, mathematics, artificial intelligence and human realities in transitions
- Individual and collective human identities in transitions
- Plural Transitions Chair
- Louise Fresco Fund
Marrakech, village-residence of the IAS in the palm grove, and campus of Benguerir headquarters of UM6P.